General Safety And Security On A College Campus Tips

Read these 11 General Safety And Security On A College Campus Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about College Safety tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Should I worry about the laws when I go to college?

Stay Safe, Stay Legal

Moving to a new city or state to go to college can be very exciting, but it brings with it a new set of rules and laws. Law enforcement in some college towns will make an effort to educate students about the rules, as well as the potential fines and penalties. As a student, it is in your hands to follow the rules. Not taking the time to learn local laws can get you in trouble. After all, it is rare that someone who violated the law gets off the hook by pleading ignorance. Common in every town, but especially in most college communities, are laws for drug or alcohol use and noise ordinances. College students are notorious for violating these laws and the police are well aware of it.

What if my college is evacuated?

Campus Evacuations

There may be a time when your college needs to be evacuated. This could be for a number of reasons, including hurricanes or a fire. Don't hesitate when you receive notification of a campus evacuation. This should not be taken lightly. You may have to leave your material things behind which, for some, can be difficult. Remember – your things can be replaced, but you can not. In the event that you lose some of your possessions, you may be able to file a claim against your renter's insurance policy (if you took one out) or your parent's homeowners policy (if applicable).

Do I need to worry about my safety at a party?

Staying Safe At Social Events

Social events like fraternity parties, concerts, or college activities happen all the time on university campuses. You can meet people at these events and have a good time, but use your head so it doesn't turn into a bad experience that you end up regretting. Most crimes against college students occur when drugs or alcohol are involved.

It is never a good idea to use drugs or drink heavily, even if you are with people you feel comfortable with. You can't put your safety in the hands of others. It is up to you to keep yourself safe so you don't become a victim of a violent crime.

What should I do if there is a bomb threat?

Bomb Threats

Bomb threats, whether real or not, have to be taken seriously by college personnel. After all, the safety of their students is a top priority for them. A bomb threat will most likely not be announced over the building communications system because the last thing law enforcement wants is widespread panic and people rushing out of the building. A mad rush for the exits can result in someone being seriously injured or someone accidentally setting off the bomb (if it's real). During a bomb scare, law enforcement may systematically evacuate the building if needed. When asked to leave, don't argue and don't try to stay. For your own safety, leave the building. The building will be searched and no one will be allowed to return until law enforcement is certain the area is safe.

What should I do if there is an infectious disease outbreak at my college?

Infectious Disease Outbreak

Because people are in such close proximity on college campuses, the potential for a disease outbreak can be high. Fortunately, most college students and college personnel are vaccinated against common infectious diseases. Outbreaks could still happen and in those situations, unvaccinated students will be notified that they should not be on campus.

If a deadly infectious disease is spreading across a campus, it's called a pandemic. In this situation, you may been to be tested and some areas of the campus may be quarantined. Don't try to leave. If you are infected, you will just spread the disease and could get your family and friends infected. Leaving also takes you further away from treatment.

What should I do at college during a weather emergency?

Weather-Related Emergencies While in Class

Attending college in an area that can experience extreme weather conditions (i.e. hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, etc.) comes with its own set of challenges. For college students that have never dealt with these weather conditions, it can be especially daunting. While most schools have emergency plans to deal with these circumstances, many students may not be aware of them.

In an area with hurricanes, you will have some advanced warning and the school will tell you what to do. You may be able to stay (if it has been downgraded or considered a low risk) with certain directions to help you stay safe.

In the event of a tornado or severe thunderstorms, follow the directions given by your teacher, college officials or other local law enforcement. Certain places may be designated as safe areas during a tornado. In the event there is no designation or you are unsure, go to the lowest level of the building and get as far from windows or doors as possible. Ideally, you want to be in an inner room without windows. Avoid spaces like gymnasiums with large roof spans since these can become unstable and collapse during the storm.

What are the campus safety police?

Campus Safety Police

On a college campus, do you know where to go for help? Most medium to large colleges and universities employ campus safety police. These individuals may carry weapons at some schools. Often they are there to handle minor problems, like breaking up fights, or dealing with small crimes. The campus safety police may rely on local law enforcement to deal with more serious offenses. The campus police are there to help you in an emergency or when you feel threatened, so don't hesitate to contact them. If you are on a smaller campus that does not provide this type of support, you may have to rely on local law enforcement to come to your aid.

Should I be worried about terrorism at college?

The Threat of Terrorism on College Campuses

How real is the threat of terrorism on college campuses? It can happen, but fortunately we have a phenomenal system in the United States that catches most of these threats. Alert citizens work with law enforcement to monitor and prevent these attacks from occurring. However, with that being said, it is important to keep in mind that this is not a guarantee. To stay safe, everyone on a college campus needs to stay alert and not be afraid to report suspicious activity. It's no longer acceptable to ignore a potential threat because we believe it can't happen to us. It has and it can again. Take steps to prevent another potential attack by immediately reporting anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.

What should a college student do when faced with a violent crime?

Violent Crimes on Campus

What do you do if a gunman shows up in your building or your classroom? Rarely is a student prepared to answer a question like this. Most people assume that this will never happen to them. While a violent rampage occurring on a college campus is rare, it can happen. Shootings occasionally occur on campuses, so what can you do to stay safe?

Start by knowing the crime statistics for your school before you go there. By law, your school is required to maintain and make this information available. Knowing what crimes occur the most will help you be prepared. Since the circumstances for a crisis situation will always vary, there are a few general tips that you should remember.

  • While at school, pay attention and know what is happening around you.
  • When entering a classroom for the first time, you should always identify emergency exits.
  • If and when an emergency situation happens, stay calm. Panicking can cause you to make a bad decision.
  • If possible, contact the authorities as quickly as possible to make them aware of the situation.
  • Assess your situation and determine the best option to keep you alive.

What are the most common crimes on a college campus?

Most Common Crimes on Campus

Considering the number of students attending college each year, the number of violent crimes against them is actually lower than for non-students, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report on Violent Victimization of College Students. This report finds that college students (ages 18 to 24) are victims of violent crimes like rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and simple assault (no weapon or minor injuries) at a rate of 25 per 1,000 students compared to 34 in 1,000 non-students. Of these crimes, simple assault was the most common crime followed by aggravated assault (attack with a weapon or one in which the victim had serious injuries).

This report also identified that in most violent crimes the offender was a stranger. However, the exception to this was in rapes or sexual assaults where 74 percent were committed by someone known to the victim.

What should a college student do to stay safe?

Safety Situations

Being away at college for the first time can be overwhelming enough for the average college student, but add a crisis or dangerous event to the mix and a student could break down. So what can be done? Should every college student go through some type of safety training? That may be going overboard since many students make it through their entire college education without ever having to deal with dangerous circumstances. With a little common sense and basic knowledge they can avert bad situations.

1. Avoid a potentially dangerous situation by always being alert and walking in groups when out at night.
2. Don't panic – this will just aggravate the situation.
3. Know how to react to different emergencies by reviewing the information provided by your college's safety department or campus police.

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