Safety Tips: For Parents Tips

Read these 10 Safety Tips: For Parents Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about College Safety tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Is college substance abuse a problem?

College Student Substance Abuse

Substance abuse by college students is a big problem. It also plays a part in most violent crimes. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are many consequences of alcohol abuse including: injury, assault, sexual abuse, vandalism, and death. As a parent, you should take time to educate your child about the risk they take when they abuse alcohol or drugs. Once they leave for college, they are are part of a whole new experience that can include parties and bars. For many students, this new found freedom is an opportunity to experiment and expand beyond the boundaries that they knew at home. This means that they no longer have to deal with limitations placed on them by mom and dad. The only way to keep them away from this is by helping them understand the consequences of substance abuse.

What do the campus police do?

Campus Police

The campus police are there to keep your child safe from harm while at the college. They have to follow the same laws that other campus personnel do and cannot release information to you about your son or daughter except in special circumstances. If your child is in serious trouble, they may provide you with information but it will depend on the situation. Count on these people to do the best they can to protect your child and try not to get in their way.

When any type of disaster strikes a campus, the college police will often be the first responders. They are typically able to deal with minor crimes, traffic offenses, and weather emergencies. Any time a serious or violent crime occurs, they are likely to call in local, state or federal law enforcement for support. You can contact the campus police to get an understanding on how they deal with major disasters. In most cases, they will have an emergency plan developed on how they deal with crisis and when to contact other support.

Why do I need to watch my child's behavior?

Be Aware Of Your Child's Behavior

Protecting your child on campus can start at home by being observant of any strange or unusual behavior. If your son or daughter is acting differently, it may be time to seek counseling since something may have happened or they could be involved with drugs. While a college or university does everything it can to keep your son or daughter safe, you have to take some responsibility as well. Don't ignore potential warning signs. There are a number of physical and behavioral changes that occur in someone using drugs, including: appetite changes, problems with coordination, insomnia/fatigue, needle marks, personality changes, moodiness, paranoia, and secretive. They may be showing signs of a mental problem if your son or daughter can no longer handle daily activities; has delusions or hallucinations; or, seems paranoid. In either case, help should be sought because your child could be a danger to themselves or others.

What rights do you have as a parent of a college student?

Your Rights As A Parent

Once your child reaches the age of 18 or is attending a college or university, they are considered an adult and their right to privacy is protected. What this means for you – the parent – is that you don't have a lot of rights when your child leaves for school. Every college and university official knows how hard it is for parents to see their children leave for the first time, but they have to respect the rights of the student. This means they cannot give out any information including your child's school schedule or semester grades. It is up to you to work out a plan with your son or daughter to make sure you have the information you need. In the event of an emergency, the school can provide you with general information, but details specific to your child cannot be shared without the express permission of the student. However, if your child was seriously injured, is in danger, or represents a danger to others the college or university will most likely contact you.

It is hard to realize that after years of being responsible for this person, you suddenly have no rights when they leave for college. This isn't occurring because the school doesn't care about the parents, but they have to follow the law and respect the privacy of the student. In some cases, your child can talk to personnel in student affairs to sign a waiver so that you can have access to their information. If this something that you and your child agree to, then contact your schools student support services office to find out how this can be arranged.

How can you keep your child safe at school?

Keeping Your Child Safe At School

It's every parent's worst nightmare that they will get a call in the middle of the night telling them that something has happened to their child. Letting go—when your son or daughter heads off to college – can be the hardest thing to do. How can you protect them when they are so far away? You won't be able to do everything for them anymore, but you can help them be prepared and improve their ability to be safe.

1. Review the campus crime statistics and consider that information when selecting a school.

2. Develop a communications plan.

3. Educate your child on what they should do during a natural disaster.

4. Check the campus security.

5. Get them a self-defense weapon that is permitted by the college or university.

6. Have them carry a call phone with them at all times.

7. Make sure they understand how drugs or alcohol play a part in most violent crimes.

What should you do when a natural disaster occurs on your child's college campus?

Responding To A Natural Disaster: Your Child's Safety

When a natural disaster happens at your child's school, you may be left feeling helpless and scared. You are not alone. The best way to combat this is to be prepared. If your student has a cell phone, use that to communicate with them. Of course, cell phone towers can be cut off during a natural disaster, so always have a back up plan. It may be difficult, but you may have to be patient and wait for your child or their school to get word to you. This may not be easy if all communications are down following the natural disaster. The school may be putting in place a plan to provide food and shelter for the students. This will be their primary concern. As soon as possible they will work to get information out to the public.

In the event that you live relatively close to the college or university, wait until the area has been cleared by emergency personnel before showing up. Since your son or daughter may be moved to a safe location following the disaster, it may be best to wait until you have received a communication from your child or the school.

What is the Jeanne Clery Act?

The Jeanne Clery Act

Before your child heads off to college, have you checked the crime statistics for the school? Did you know that schools are required to provide current information on crimes that have occurred over the prior three years on the campus? The Jeanne Clery Act became a law in 1990 (originally under another name) following the murder of Jeanne Clery at Lehigh University in 1986 in her dorm room. Her parents became the supporters of this law in order to protect other students from becoming the victims of violent crimes.

The school is required to send notification to each prospective student on how to access information on college crime statistics. Don't ignore this notification; the safety of your child depends on knowing this information. The report that is made available will break down crimes into several major categories:

1. murder (non-negligent manslaughter and negligent manslaughter);

2. sex offenses (forcible and nonforcible);

3. robbery;

4. aggravated assault;

5. burglary;

6. motor vehicle theft; and,

7. arson.

In addition, the college or university must report any liquor law violations, drug law violations and illegal weapons possession violations if an arrest or disciplinary action occurs. This information is provided not only for campus crimes, but also for surrounding public areas, and off-campus facilities.

What is FERPA?

FERPA And How It Affects You

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is there to protect the rights of your child. By the time your son or daughter goes away to college they are typically considered an adult. The school will treat your child as an adult and provide them with their rights under laws like FERPA. This means that schools are legally unable to share any information with outside parties (including you) without the express permission of your son or daughter. While this is a benefit to the student, it may seem frustrating to you as a parent. Even if you are the one footing the bill for the college tuition, the school recognizes your child as its customer – not you. Don't harass the school for your child's information, it can create more problems and they still won't be able to help you. The only thing you can do is prepare in advance and know how to reach your student in an emergency.

How can you get information from your school?

Getting Information From Your Student's School

During an emergency, getting information from your student's college or university may seem frustrating. Just remember that while the college probably wants to help you, they are restricted by laws and regulations that they have to follow. If you call them looking for information specific to your child, they may be unable to help. Instead they may be limited to providing you with general information. An exception to this would be if your child has a health related emergency or has had a serious accident. In these cases, depending on school policy, they are likely to contact you and provide you with the pertinent details.

Keep in mind that when an emergency occurs on a college campus, they are going to be bombarded with calls from concerned parents. Don't add to the problem. The school will be working to get information out to the major media outlets to make sure parents and others know what is going on. It is better to set up a communications plan with your child in advance and know their schedule.

How can you contact your student in an emergency?

Contacting Your Student In An Emergency

If a crisis happened at your child's college or university, would you know how to get in touch with them? If you are like most parents, you probably don't know anything about what is going on at your son or daughter's school. While you don't need to become the “helicopter” parent hovering around your child at every moment, it's a good idea to know their schedule and contact information. Have your student provide you with a current copy of their current semester schedule. If they change it, make sure they gave you an updated version. Also, make sure you have all of the contact information you need to get in contact with your child when disaster strikes. Have the phone number for their dorm or apartment as well as their cell phone. If your child lives in a fraternity or sorority, it doesn't hurt to get the main phone number.

Next, put together an emergency or safety plan with your child. Identify the best way to reach each other after a crisis. Make sure you have alternate plans in place in case all telecommunications (phones) are out. It wouldn't hurt to identify a place to meet in case your child's school is being evacuated. If the plan is for your child to come straight home, know what time they left the school and what time they plan to arrive home. Staying in regular contact with your son or daughter during a crisis can help you feel confident that they are safe.

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