Keeping Your Child Safe At School

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How can you keep your child safe at school?

Keeping Your Child Safe At School

It's every parent's worst nightmare that they will get a call in the middle of the night telling them that something has happened to their child. Letting go—when your son or daughter heads off to college – can be the hardest thing to do. How can you protect them when they are so far away? You won't be able to do everything for them anymore, but you can help them be prepared and improve their ability to be safe.

1. Review the campus crime statistics and consider that information when selecting a school.

2. Develop a communications plan.

3. Educate your child on what they should do during a natural disaster.

4. Check the campus security.

5. Get them a self-defense weapon that is permitted by the college or university.

6. Have them carry a call phone with them at all times.

7. Make sure they understand how drugs or alcohol play a part in most violent crimes.



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