Be Aware Of Your Child's Behavior

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Why do I need to watch my child's behavior?

Be Aware Of Your Child's Behavior

Protecting your child on campus can start at home by being observant of any strange or unusual behavior. If your son or daughter is acting differently, it may be time to seek counseling since something may have happened or they could be involved with drugs. While a college or university does everything it can to keep your son or daughter safe, you have to take some responsibility as well. Don't ignore potential warning signs. There are a number of physical and behavioral changes that occur in someone using drugs, including: appetite changes, problems with coordination, insomnia/fatigue, needle marks, personality changes, moodiness, paranoia, and secretive. They may be showing signs of a mental problem if your son or daughter can no longer handle daily activities; has delusions or hallucinations; or, seems paranoid. In either case, help should be sought because your child could be a danger to themselves or others.



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