October 30, 2009, Newsletter Issue #3: Be Safe in Your Dorm Room

Tip of the Week

When living in a residence hall far away from home, the only protection for students is the dorm personnel and the security measures they enforce. There may be rules regarding which door you can enter through or who you can bring to your room. There also may be guidelines regarding what you can’t have in a dorm room (i.e. weapons, etc.). When a school sets their policies, it’s not being done to inconvenience you. Your parents expect the university to take care of you in their absence and the school is doing their best to keep you safe.

While the rules, standards and policies will vary by college, there are some things you can do to stay safe in your dorm room.

Always keep your windows and door locked. This may be difficult if you have a roommate who forgets to do so, but hopefully you can emphasize the importance of this. Definitely don’t give in to a request to leave the door or windows unlocked. Follow the security measures for the dorm. Don't prop open doors that should be locked and don’t sneak people in past security. Why make it easy for a would-be criminal? Don’t leave valuables out in the open. If a thief sees something in plain view, it's more tempting to steal your belongings.If you live in a co-ed dorm, remain fully clothed in any shared areas. Don’t walk to the showers in only a towel. Be alert for suspicious activity. If something or someone looks out of place, don’t hesitate to call campus security. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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