November 20, 2009, Newsletter Issue #6: Fire Prevention in the Dorms

Tip of the Week

Dorm policies often include a list of what items are not allowed in your room, which usually includes certain appliances or lamps that can be hazardous. The number of fires in dorms rooms each year averages approximately 1,800, according to Underwriters Laboratories and a number of students have died as a result of a dorm fire. Although electrical fires are common, candles and cooking are other problems in dorms. Follow these tips to prevent dorm fires:

1. Buy appliances with an automatic shut-off feature.
2. Avoid overloading electrical outlets or extension cords.
3. Have a fire extinguisher nearby.
4. Never leave a candle burning unattended.

In the event of a dorm fire, know your escape plan. Your dorm staff will likely know the exit route, but be sure you are aware of it, too. Don’t be left unprepared when disaster strikes.

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