November 27, 2009, Newsletter Issue #7: The Job of the Resident Assistant

Tip of the Week

The life of a resident assistant (RA) is never easy and never-ending. They are hired to protect the residents and to keep them in line. They may have the responsibility of helping to plan activities for students in their building, as well. In return, the RA may get free room and board, and possibly even tuition reimbursement.

This person is also someone you can go to when you have a concern or issue to discuss. This job can be 24/7 because the resident assistant may get a call in the middle of the night or hear something in the hallway that needs to be addressed immediately. One thing to remember, though, is that your RA is also a student. They are going through the same things you are with studying and homework. In fact, they are typically required to maintain good grades in order to keep their job as an RA. Give your RA a break. Follow the rules and try not to cause them a lot of trouble.

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