November 6, 2009, Newsletter Issue #4: Responding to a Tornado Alarm in Your Dorm

Tip of the Week

In many areas of the United States, tornadoes are a reality during the year. If you hear the tornado sirens going off, don’t ignore them. A tornado can be serious, but it doesn’t have to result in fatalities. Your dorm should have procedures in place letting you know what to do if a tornado does hit. In addition, when the sirens are going off, dorm staff should let you know what to do. The last thing you want to do is stay in your room, unless it is on a lower level, interior corridor with no windows. Some students mistakenly believe that their building can not be hurt by a tornado, but that is not necessarily true. React immediately to the sirens by getting yourself to a safe location. Remember that unless it is the monthly test, the sirens are going off when it's time to seek a safe location.

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