January 8, 2010, Newsletter Issue #13: Violent Crimes on Campus

Tip of the Week

What do you do if a gunman shows up in your building or your classroom? Rarely is a student prepared to answer a question like this. Most people assume that this will never happen to them. While a violent rampage occurring on a college campus is rare, it can happen. Shootings occasionally occur on campuses, so what can you do to stay safe?

Start by knowing the crime statistics for your school before you go there. By law, your school is required to maintain and make this information available. Knowing what crimes occur the most will help you be prepared. Since the circumstances for a crisis situation will always vary, there are a few general tips that you should remember.

While at school, pay attention and know what is happening around you. When entering a classroom for the first time, you should always identify emergency exits. If and when an emergency situation happens, stay calm. Panicking can cause you to make a bad decision. If possible, contact the authorities as quickly as possible to make them aware of the situation.Assess your situation and determine the best option to keep you alive.

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