March 19, 2010, Newsletter Issue #22: Walk With Friends

Tip of the Week

You may have heard this many times before, but a good way to stay safe is to avoid walking home alone at night. Having friends walk with you or walking with a large group of other students makes you a more difficult target. When someone is walking alone, it is easier for an attacker to grab them without anyone else being aware. Also, make sure you stay in a well lit area and follow a well-traveled path. Taking a short cut can put you right in harm's way.

Some college campuses have their own security or police force. Anytime you feel threatened or are afraid to walk alone, call for assistance. You shouldn't feel embarrassed to call them since that is part of their job. It is also possible that your school supports some type of volunteer program for safety escorts.

Rather than be afraid, empower yourself with the right knowledge and tools. If you know who to call for help and set up a plan so you never walk alone, you will be that much safer on campus.

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