June 11, 2010, Newsletter Issue #34: Be Alert

Tip of the Week

In a foreign country, it is important that you are more vigilant than you might be in your home town. Even as a student visiting another country, you should always be alert. Since you don’t know the area, you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you could be the target of a crime. You need to start by finding out what areas to avoid in that country, and what areas are considered safe for travelers. You should always be aware of your surroundings -- this includes people, places and things. It's important to have an "escape plan" -- where will you go if you need to quickly escape a dangerous situation. Pay attention to anyone around you who looks suspicious or if you notice that someone is following you.

If you find yourself in trouble or being followed by a potential criminal, try to get to an area with a lot of people. A crowded or public place is always the best location to track down help. Of course, get in touch with the American Embassy in the country you're visiting to have the situation documented.

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