June 25, 2010, Newsletter Issue #36: Know The Language

Tip of the Week

An understanding of the local language can help you avoid becoming a victim while in a foreign country. When you don’t know the language, you open yourself up to being taken advantage of by local merchants or others. It is also a serious disadvantage when you are unable to read signs or interpret symbols. It may be difficult to learn the language of every country you plan to visit, but it doesn’t hurt to learn some of the basics…at least enough to get by or ask for help.

If you can’t learn the language before arriving, find someone you can trust to act as an interpreter. You may be able to check with the U.S. Embassy in that country for help finding an interpreter. Don’t assume that many people around the world speak English. In many rural communities in other countries, you may find it more difficult to find someone who knows English.

As a student in a study abroad program, you may be in a program where your lessons are taught by instructors who speak English. If possible, you may want to arrange your activities so you can sightsee with other students or your host family. This will ensure you're always with someone who can help you communicate with others.

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