July 30, 2010, Newsletter Issue #41: Alcohol and Drugs in a Foreign Land

Tip of the Week

While alcohol is fairly common in most parts of the world, there are areas where it is not permitted to anyone, including that country's citizens. For example, alcohol is not permitted in many countries in the Middle East. The U.S. State Department is familiar with the rules and customs in each country so you can check with them to determine the laws.
Just like in the United States, many countries have stiff penalties for drug offenses. Unlike the United States, many countries require you to prove your innocence rather than assume that you are innocent until proven guilty. There are a number of other differences as well including:

there may not be a jury trial; you may have to remain in jail until a trial; there may not be English speaking guards or court officials available; you could be subject to physical abuse; and, you may not have bathroom facilities or other comforts in your cell.

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