August 27, 2010, Newsletter Issue #45: Books On Safety Training

Tip of the Week

Self defense books can give you some basic moves to help you prevent an attack. However, this should not be your only source of information. Use the information provided in the books to better prepare you. Take advantage of the lessons they provide and learn how to make your life safer. Look for a book that can help you make your home more secure. It also wouldn’t hurt to find one that includes information on how you can travel more safely and prevent car jackings.

In a self defense book you may find examples of self defense maneuvers and techniques that you can try. This is a good way to be introduced to these steps. You should follow up by seeking additional training in a self defense class so you can properly learn the moves you need to know to keep you from becoming a victim. Many communities offer special programs on self defense training. Your college may have training that you can take. If not, check with the community center in your area to see what is offered locally.

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