August 6, 2010, Newsletter Issue #42: Classes Available Through Your School

Tip of the Week

The problem with having a self defense weapon is that you have to know how to use it, otherwise the weapon is basically useless. From batons to stun guns, all can effectively help you deter an attack when used appropriately. You can gain that training by finding an instructor through a martial arts school or through special classes offered in your school. In addition, if you go to an expert for self defense training, they may be able to provide recommendations on a good self defense weapon you can use.

Classes in self defense may be available as special workshops on your college campus to teach you some simple steps. In some cases, you may be able to take a full semester (or quarter) class that earns college credit since many colleges include physical education in their curriculum. After completing the basic classes, you may be able to then continue on to advanced classes at your college or you may need to look at options in your community to further your self defense skills.

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