September 10, 2010, Newsletter Issue #47: Personal Safety For Women

Tip of the Week

For women, self defense starts at home. Make sure that your home is well secured and keep you doors locked when you are not at home. If you feel comfortable with a self defense weapon, find one that fits you and your lifestyle. Consider a weapon to be a last resort and don’t use one unless you have no other options. Remember that you always have the right to defend yourself from attack. Your goal is to keep yourself from ever becoming a victim and you can accomplish that by having a self defense weapon nearby. Even if you never have to use it, the weapon or other self defense tool can give you a sense of security and more confidence.

Complement your self defense weapon with training in self defensive moves. A potential attacker controls victims with fear, so you need to learn how to turn that around to your advantage. In self defense training you can learn how to control your fear which is a natural response to any threatening situation. This type of training can also teach you when and how to use your self defense weapon. This makes it more useful in the event you are ever attacked.

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