Alcohol and the College Freshman

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Why do college freshman go partying?

Alcohol and the College Freshman

Each year, thousands of young men and women leave home for the first time in their lives to attend a college far away from Mom and Dad. This gives them a sense of new found freedom and suddenly, opportunities to party all night and every night become readily available. As the alcohol flows, these young college freshmen put themselves at risk of becoming a victim. There is the potential of dying from alcohol poisoning, but also the possibility of becoming the victim of a crime. Alcohol impedes a person's judgment and ability to think quickly on their feet. In fact, statistics provided at Security on Campus, Inc. show that of all crimes on campus, about 90 percent are related to drugs and alcohol.

To avoid becoming the victim of an alcohol or drug-related crime, don't drink or use drugs. You can easily succumb to peer pressure as you try to make new friends, but it is possible to have fun and be smart about it.

These may seem preachy, but let's face it, with a little common sense you can make it out of college alive, without a criminal record and without becoming a victim.

  1. Don't binge drink – alcohol poisoning is a reality and it can kill you.
  2. Moderation should be a term you always remember. Have you ever seen a drunk that you really liked? Some people get stupid, while some get mean.
  3. Never drink alone. This can be sign of other problems so if you feel the urge to drink alone, you might want to seek counseling or talk to someone about substance abuse.
  4. When out at night, especially when your judgment is impaired by alcohol, never walk by yourself. If you walk home by yourself after a party, you make yourself a target for a potential crime.
  5. Follow the laws, procedures and policies for your state and college. Underage drinking is a known problem at college campuses. The local police are going to be watching for parties and drunk drivers. If you are drinking illegally or driving drunk, you could be arrested and face jail time, fines and the loss of your license. Consider the consequences before you break the law.
  6. Look for alternatives to drinking. You may try getting involved in different student activities at your school.



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